Sunday, 21 March 2010

Kay again : The friend, and the friends love interest.

Ok. so i've been aaaaaaages writing. in my defence, i was living away from home doine a new job which was kinda boring, so i'm home now, passing the time till my next job starts. so lets re-commence the man hunt.
At the moment, there are no real leads to the man hunt. there are 2 guys, but i knew them prior to the experiment so i dont think it counts. hmm.
ok guy one : dated someone in my family. we're friends. i mean really good friends and i think thats all i want it to be, but i think we click to easily. i mean, we talk about everything almost everyday. it is a little worrying. i am a big believer in guys and girls being platonic friends, but even he admits there is chemistry. Can it just be friend chemistry? what to do?
Guy 2 : ok so its fairly simple about this guy. i want him! i mean he is hot, older, awesome car, hot, and also quite nice, so it isnt just physical. but the thing is, my friend really really really likes him, and we hooked up once at a party ( me and the guy, not me and the friend) after which he did tell me we should keep it between us because of her etc. am still debating wether or not this is shady. but i like him. the only problem is, there just isnt that spark. i mean there are definately feelings but not something i think could ever be substantial. i dont know. we shall see.
got to go.

oh yeah, am re-opening the idea of the internet dating thing.


Saturday, 20 March 2010

One night stands

I turned down sex last night.
Firstly since it was unpractical due to the lack of condoms and the lack of available places to do it.
Secondly, an attempt to make me believe that I'm not a slut.

But he was australian, worked in finance (dull I know but he wore a suit!) and looked very similar to Simon from The Inbetweeners. These were all thumbs up until I found out he lives with his parents and he's alright with public indecency, I'm talking right near the Eithad Stadium indecency.

Why are guys so easy? Why can't I meet a nice guy who won't try and bonk my bones on the first meeting??

Is it the accent? Or do I flirt too much?


Wednesday, 17 March 2010

The When Harry Met Sally Theory

So I'm sharing my adventure with him. I'm bound to feel a connection. I'm not attracted to him but I wonder if we'd ever get together.
Is this all because of the 80s film When Harry Met Sally?
Is this all because they've put it into my mind that every friendship with a guy is doomed to being more when I wouldn't necessarily want it? Does that mean it's back fired?

Watch this space.

Sunday, 14 March 2010

Aussie guy and Scot guy oh and Travelling Partner.

Ok, the title does make me sounds like I get around but...

One thing I want to say is never ever make the mistake I did. Use a Condom. And don't worry Kay I'm fine I just had a worry. But no one should ever have to worry. Stupid Douche guys!

So I texted Aussie Guy apologising and stuff then he asked me out but I'm busy so he thought I was blowing him off so meh... this one's not a keeper. My mum will be glad since migration to Australia is not on her fav things for me to do.

Ok. So I met a Scottish guy, he lent me his hoodie and we spent the whole night debating politics, law and ethical issues. It was the most awesome thing ever, we had an amazing intellectual connection but... I'm not attracted to him. I admire his intelligence but I'm not attracted to him.

Oh and my travelling partner, my family thinks I'm "with" him, his family thinks he's "with" me... but I'm not attracted to him and he's not attracted to me. Question though: Can a guy and girl just be friends? Watch this space. I've got about 5 months to figure this one out.

I miss Kay,

Monday, 8 March 2010

Recap on the guys

ok, I just read my last entry and I really didn't tell anyone what happened next.
So.. THE guy found out that I liked him. Not that I wasn't being blatently obvious, anyway he was alright with it and we are now just mates. But watch this space. I totally believe in the "When Harry Met Sally" theory.

So if you hadn't guessed The Boss is the guy that keeps flirting with me. He's now the ex boss and keeps giving me compliments, this makes me feel guilty for publishing this on the ether but still it's entertaining to read.
So he keeps calling me cute, told him I didn't like it and he said that he just means it in the way that I'm attractive but innocent.
That's what he thinks!!!

Oh and Guy 1 (the guy who says he'll miss me) was annoyed at me for not saying goodbye. This made me feel awkward since yet again... no atraction.

So the update is is that I still haven't found a man. I still haven't found a man who's not wimpy.

Well except the Aussie guy. :)


Australian Guys

Ok, so I admit. I'm a week into Australia and I've already made out with a guy at a bar.
Firstly, he was Australian and the accent is just gorgeous.
Secondly, he was a typical bad boy.
Thirdly, he was buying my drinks.

Does this mean that I'm easy to get? Does this mean that I am a sucker? Does this just mean that I'm having fun?

And to put the record straight. I didn't let him in my pants, and I did leave unexpectedly.

Does this make me a whore?

You think that's bad??
I am not attracted to this guy in the slightest and find him a tad creepy- is it mean to talk to someone because they compliment you?
Does this make me a pricktease?
