Saturday, 30 January 2010

goodbye Cat ( apparently)

so, if you have been reading this people, cat and i had a bit of an argument. well not really an argument more of a thing where i let her down. basically we had agreed to go away together on holiday, but i had to cancel because of money issues. for some reason, Cat doesn't seem to believe that i'm telling the truth, does she think i didn't want to go with her or what? Anyway, today, much to my surprise, i logged on to facebook and found that she had terminated our relationship on facebook. ( we were married, on facebook. not in real life because that would be weird lol)
Ok so to some of you that might not seem like a big deal, but it really did hurt my feelings and then to just by coincidence all your info and photo's happen to be restricted? ok yes i let you down, and yes you have the right to be angry at me, but i have apologised and it wasnt my fault so if you want to be like that fine. i'm not going to apologise anymore, and i'm not going to try anymore. I made a mistake. sue me.

and that is the end of that.

p.s- if you do read this Cat, i changed the password. two can play this game. ( for the record, i'm angry too!)

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