Okay, As usual I was totally oblivious to the drama that I caused. I apologise. I didn't block anyone facebook stopped working and I do indeed have a potential other man. However, I will come to that later.
So the topic today I have chosen due to recent events is flirting. Due to this experiment I have tried to calculate the perfect way to flirt.
Things I have tried:
1. The hard to get
2. Teasing
3. Blatantly obvious.
I have three guys that believe they have a chance with me. (This is the persona of Cat talking not my genuine characteristics, I'm nicer than that) Anyway, the one that's worked the most is the Teasing approach. I have joked my way into a guy confusingly texting me asking if I was flirting. This has gotten to a new extreme in technology where teasing on facebook chat has caused a text asking the nature of the facebook chat. U-N-B-E-L-I-E-V-E-A-B-L-E!!!
If you have ever seen He's Just Not That Into You you will realise that we can indeed be dumped on 5 different technologies but ladies... we can also flirt on them!
So anyway, back to point one: teasing worked the most. I joked my arse off and managed to get a questionable answer.
However, guy 2(blatantly obvious): this involved one brief greeting then a sucession of text conversations. I am shocked about this guy. I met him through a friend at a bar, this is not an unusual thing I know but wait.. all I said was hello and my name and that I will go see where my other friends are Kay being one of them. After this he asked the shared friend about me and in her excitement she gave me his number. that's it. One greeting. No Flirting no nothing. Just my genuine friendliness. U-N-B-E-L-I-E-V-E-A-B-L-E!!!
So the text conversations ensued. This meant a friendly text in the morning for so far 3 consecutive days and also texts as soon as I'd finished work. I will admit that I am not used to this is in the slightest and on occasion I have been the one to text people first. One too many occasion. So not only does he like me from a few seconds brief encounter but enough to create a morning and evening of him. U-N-B-E-L-I-E-V-E-A-B-L-E. However, a date was arranged of sorts and no reply text. Befuddled am I. Anyway, more on guy 2 later just watch this space...
So the third guy... This is the guy that I like. The genuine deal. The one who I actually am sort of seeing. He is the one that I have changed my status for. This is the tricky story. This is the story of being the reliablity. I know I have used a succession of short sentences however this is to exaggerate the need I have for Tension and simplicity on the complication that is the third guy.
Anyway, he's the guy that is everything but nothing. He is the guy that I don't have. Basically I changed my status on a hope and a wish that he will see that being friends with me is not cool.
But however it's not to be.
This is the one I am mourning for.
Yet, Kay will maintain only being a sis on facebook since the lesbian jokes have stopped. for a brief period anyway.
Love you guys muchly,