Saturday, 13 February 2010

Update on status of guys.

Ok, so this guy I confuses me the most. He is the guy that I simply said hello to and then ended up having a request for a date. Well.. I have news.
I am seeing this guy on monday. I am going to see the guy in person. The one that only needs an introduction to be hooked. I will therefore question him, subtly of course.
Just watch this space.

Anyway, guy 1 keeps saying he very much is going to miss me. And asked me how he is to prove it. Wanted to avoid embarrassment I simply said he should have to. This makes life interesting. I mean I see him at work but I never say anything more than I do with other men. He simply likes what I say. Very interesting. Apparently I make him think, Apparently this is a good thing and apparently this is a reason to miss someone who you don't even see but someone you would keep in contact with the same way you've maintained for only about a week. Well, apparently. He likes me enough to go out of his way to see me at work tomorrow even though we are on opposite sides of the work place, literally. Weird, this is kind of empowering.

Ok, so as a principal women can make up their minds, well this is a quick way of explaining guy 3 the one who's supposed to be the one who's genuine. Well, genuine doesn't kick you in the ass and say I'm bored give me entertainment, genuine should be I will miss you. Shame the guys are mixed up. Isn't this a punch line in a joke?

So keep watching this space girls and you find out whether guys are meant to be questioned.

Anyway since there's been an absence of Kay for a while I would like to update you on her status as well. She is going to embark on an adventure of her own on monday hers involving a new job, home and hopefully new men due to the women to men ratio in her chosen path. I wish her all the good luck and don't worry she will be keeping you updated personally as well. Just give her time to settle in!

Much Love,

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