Monday, 9 August 2010

Playing Hard to Get?

Common ploy: Playing hard to get.
Yet when does playing hard to get and simply uninterested differ?
Ok, there is this guy who apparently thinks I'm beautiful and likes to tell me a lot. With special emphasis on the eyes. As a woman you hope and wish for someone to notice you and give attention to what you believe to be your best assets (The Beautiful eyes) yet why do I feel embarrassed by this remark also the cuteness remark?
Why can't I just be grateful for what I get rather than belittle the emphasis they put on things?
Furthermore, does age have a factor in relationships, since a younger man is showing interest and I believe that it is kind of infuriating since he is unbelievably over-the-top and persistent while this makes me believe him to have no character other than a people-pleaser trait. Which to me is insufficient since I would like to have a sense of humour and occasional compliments not constant, otherwise they are not believable since they could be used as a throw-away comment.
Yet, I have been blessed to have been brought up with regular compliments such as the nickname, gorgeous. Even though from my dad who says that to every member of the family, even my close male cousin which I found out recently.
Anyway, to conclude. I believe that people need to define Playing Hard To Get as to not get confused with not being at all interested.
Also, I believe that I can never be pleased.
Especially since the guy who called me cute has paid me less attention and I am slightly annoyed.



Monday, 5 April 2010

hotel hotties

ok, so i left paris which was stunning. not sure which one i like more, paris or milan, or rome hmmm, but paris was fantastic, met a very cute french guy in a bread shop. he helped me tell the french lady at the till what i wanted as she didnt speak any english, either way he was lovely, shame i was only in paris for one night, he did ask me out for coffee but i had to leave and meet family.
Anyway, hotel hotties! so i'm in spain now, which is lovely and oh so warm. so we are staying in this hotel which is pretty good although kinda filled with lots of familes a.k.a little children everywhere, and i'm not saying i dont like children because they are sweet to look at but they are just so darned annoying! ANYWAY back to the topic,
my sister and i are playing pool and then lo an behold three guys happen to walk in to the pool area. Spanish guys can be hot! like seriously they were rather yummy, but i dont think they speak any english so we didnt really talk to them at all, just appreciated their yummyness.
THEN these other guys were watching us play from their balcony, so yes this hotel seems to be teeming with hot guys.
OH- elavator guy! also hot!
my problem is this. how do you pick guys up in a hotel. and not only this, but also how do you pick up guys that may not speak english?!
ideas anyone?

Saturday, 3 April 2010

How to pull a backpacker!

Cat is backpacking. I am kinda anyway, more flash-packing due to the amount of family I have in Australia that I'm crashing round.
Anyway, I have made a resolution to not be soo easy. I mean as a traveller you are seen as an easy target. The accent, the easygoing, the lack of money and the apparent disappearance of morals that happens as soon as you stand on foreign soil. This means that I have to properly say no. Rather than get soo pissed that I end up passing out in some randomers house in his bed with nothing on. Ok, I didn't say no that time, as you can tell but I believe that I will never do it again since he is a weirdo. He lets backpackers crash on his couch, he goes out with travellers, who does that?

Anyway, my usual literacy mind has been put to mush due to the amount of backpacking I have managed.

So I've made another vow to create proper nicknames for the guys I meet. Like my travelling partner is called Traveller, and the guy who says he will miss me is called ToyBoy, then there's The Guy, and then there's the introduction of The Dutch.

Either way, guy 1 and 2 is confusing.

Thursday, 1 April 2010

new hair rocks!!

so yesterday i had my hair done. it is completely different to anything I've ever had and i didn't like it quite as much at first. THEN! I went next door to do my hair, and i got hit on! AND the guy wasn't terrible looking. it was actually quite awesome. here's how it went
so i went into a food place to get something to eat (duh!) and the guy in there was talking to my hairdresser. when i came in, i places my order - combo chicken meal. was nice- and asked my hair dresser if i was a client. she said yes and he then complimented my hair and said i looked really cute. ( like cat i don't really like this word!) when the hairdresser lady left, he kept talking to me, and we actually hit it off. so anyway, i paid for my food (after he gave me a free piece of chicken :D) and went next door thinking that was all.
after a while, i was sitting in the hair dresser waiting for my dad to come pick me up, and the lady next to me taps my shoulder and says there's a guy outside trying to get your attention and i look through the window wall thing and there is the guy mouthing that he wants to talk to me a little.
Out i go, and he asked me to go for a drink with him as he was on his break.
sensibly ( i think) i said i couldn't go right then as i was leaving in a sec. so he asked for my number, i gave it to him and he said he would give me a ring so that we could go out.
i said OK, shook his hand ( i know!! kinda strangely formal. but it was a nice hand shake) and went back inside.
So on my way home i got a text from him, just to say he thought i seemed like a really great person and hoped we could go out when i come back from my holiday ( mine not his.more on this in a sec)
so yeah, that is my new hair story. so now i love my new hair! it makes cute guys like me. i think.
OTHER STORY! holiday! so I'm going to Paris tonight. should be pretty awesome. then we are going to Spain for 10 days then to Lyon then back to Paris then home. I wonder if French and Spanish guys are any different to Brits. I'll find out and let you know. Gah should probably go pack now! cant wait .
au revoir

Sunday, 21 March 2010

Kay again : The friend, and the friends love interest.

Ok. so i've been aaaaaaages writing. in my defence, i was living away from home doine a new job which was kinda boring, so i'm home now, passing the time till my next job starts. so lets re-commence the man hunt.
At the moment, there are no real leads to the man hunt. there are 2 guys, but i knew them prior to the experiment so i dont think it counts. hmm.
ok guy one : dated someone in my family. we're friends. i mean really good friends and i think thats all i want it to be, but i think we click to easily. i mean, we talk about everything almost everyday. it is a little worrying. i am a big believer in guys and girls being platonic friends, but even he admits there is chemistry. Can it just be friend chemistry? what to do?
Guy 2 : ok so its fairly simple about this guy. i want him! i mean he is hot, older, awesome car, hot, and also quite nice, so it isnt just physical. but the thing is, my friend really really really likes him, and we hooked up once at a party ( me and the guy, not me and the friend) after which he did tell me we should keep it between us because of her etc. am still debating wether or not this is shady. but i like him. the only problem is, there just isnt that spark. i mean there are definately feelings but not something i think could ever be substantial. i dont know. we shall see.
got to go.

oh yeah, am re-opening the idea of the internet dating thing.


Saturday, 20 March 2010

One night stands

I turned down sex last night.
Firstly since it was unpractical due to the lack of condoms and the lack of available places to do it.
Secondly, an attempt to make me believe that I'm not a slut.

But he was australian, worked in finance (dull I know but he wore a suit!) and looked very similar to Simon from The Inbetweeners. These were all thumbs up until I found out he lives with his parents and he's alright with public indecency, I'm talking right near the Eithad Stadium indecency.

Why are guys so easy? Why can't I meet a nice guy who won't try and bonk my bones on the first meeting??

Is it the accent? Or do I flirt too much?


Wednesday, 17 March 2010

The When Harry Met Sally Theory

So I'm sharing my adventure with him. I'm bound to feel a connection. I'm not attracted to him but I wonder if we'd ever get together.
Is this all because of the 80s film When Harry Met Sally?
Is this all because they've put it into my mind that every friendship with a guy is doomed to being more when I wouldn't necessarily want it? Does that mean it's back fired?

Watch this space.

Sunday, 14 March 2010

Aussie guy and Scot guy oh and Travelling Partner.

Ok, the title does make me sounds like I get around but...

One thing I want to say is never ever make the mistake I did. Use a Condom. And don't worry Kay I'm fine I just had a worry. But no one should ever have to worry. Stupid Douche guys!

So I texted Aussie Guy apologising and stuff then he asked me out but I'm busy so he thought I was blowing him off so meh... this one's not a keeper. My mum will be glad since migration to Australia is not on her fav things for me to do.

Ok. So I met a Scottish guy, he lent me his hoodie and we spent the whole night debating politics, law and ethical issues. It was the most awesome thing ever, we had an amazing intellectual connection but... I'm not attracted to him. I admire his intelligence but I'm not attracted to him.

Oh and my travelling partner, my family thinks I'm "with" him, his family thinks he's "with" me... but I'm not attracted to him and he's not attracted to me. Question though: Can a guy and girl just be friends? Watch this space. I've got about 5 months to figure this one out.

I miss Kay,

Monday, 8 March 2010

Recap on the guys

ok, I just read my last entry and I really didn't tell anyone what happened next.
So.. THE guy found out that I liked him. Not that I wasn't being blatently obvious, anyway he was alright with it and we are now just mates. But watch this space. I totally believe in the "When Harry Met Sally" theory.

So if you hadn't guessed The Boss is the guy that keeps flirting with me. He's now the ex boss and keeps giving me compliments, this makes me feel guilty for publishing this on the ether but still it's entertaining to read.
So he keeps calling me cute, told him I didn't like it and he said that he just means it in the way that I'm attractive but innocent.
That's what he thinks!!!

Oh and Guy 1 (the guy who says he'll miss me) was annoyed at me for not saying goodbye. This made me feel awkward since yet again... no atraction.

So the update is is that I still haven't found a man. I still haven't found a man who's not wimpy.

Well except the Aussie guy. :)


Australian Guys

Ok, so I admit. I'm a week into Australia and I've already made out with a guy at a bar.
Firstly, he was Australian and the accent is just gorgeous.
Secondly, he was a typical bad boy.
Thirdly, he was buying my drinks.

Does this mean that I'm easy to get? Does this mean that I am a sucker? Does this just mean that I'm having fun?

And to put the record straight. I didn't let him in my pants, and I did leave unexpectedly.

Does this make me a whore?

You think that's bad??
I am not attracted to this guy in the slightest and find him a tad creepy- is it mean to talk to someone because they compliment you?
Does this make me a pricktease?


Tuesday, 23 February 2010


Ok. I have one more guy to introduce to you. His name is "The Boss" and as you can tell he is indeed my manager, and boss. Why is it that as soon as you are leaving guys are all over you? I mean this guy is the guy who interviewed me, employed me and tells me what to do at work. He is the one who stood on the line. (I think that's the right phrase). So anyway, I was going out on my leavers thing and it'd got to the stage where there were roughly 5 guys and 2 girls. I was drunk, he was drunk, usual things didn't occur since THE guy was there. But after I'd gotten to sleep The Boss text flirted with me and I reciprocated since I have a flirty nature, meaning it to be harmless. However ever since he's taken extra interest in me and has given me the BOMB of calling me.... CUTE!!!
Cute has always been my description and I hate it. Cute is a flower, cute is a baby, cute is a bunny rabbit. Therefore Cute is not a girl who's feminist and actually has a back bone.

I asked THE guy if he thought I was cute and he said no. He agreed that quirky is a better description. This is why he's THE guy rather than The Boss.

Oh and guy 1 was there, he disappeared through most of the night and then suddenly turned up in the end wanting a lift home from THE guy and wanting me to sit on his lap!
How demeaning!

Anyway, I've decided that in Australia I will have to live down this stereotype as much as I can since I really don't want to be "cute" for much longer.


Saturday, 13 February 2010

Update on status of guys.

Ok, so this guy I confuses me the most. He is the guy that I simply said hello to and then ended up having a request for a date. Well.. I have news.
I am seeing this guy on monday. I am going to see the guy in person. The one that only needs an introduction to be hooked. I will therefore question him, subtly of course.
Just watch this space.

Anyway, guy 1 keeps saying he very much is going to miss me. And asked me how he is to prove it. Wanted to avoid embarrassment I simply said he should have to. This makes life interesting. I mean I see him at work but I never say anything more than I do with other men. He simply likes what I say. Very interesting. Apparently I make him think, Apparently this is a good thing and apparently this is a reason to miss someone who you don't even see but someone you would keep in contact with the same way you've maintained for only about a week. Well, apparently. He likes me enough to go out of his way to see me at work tomorrow even though we are on opposite sides of the work place, literally. Weird, this is kind of empowering.

Ok, so as a principal women can make up their minds, well this is a quick way of explaining guy 3 the one who's supposed to be the one who's genuine. Well, genuine doesn't kick you in the ass and say I'm bored give me entertainment, genuine should be I will miss you. Shame the guys are mixed up. Isn't this a punch line in a joke?

So keep watching this space girls and you find out whether guys are meant to be questioned.

Anyway since there's been an absence of Kay for a while I would like to update you on her status as well. She is going to embark on an adventure of her own on monday hers involving a new job, home and hopefully new men due to the women to men ratio in her chosen path. I wish her all the good luck and don't worry she will be keeping you updated personally as well. Just give her time to settle in!

Much Love,

Wednesday, 10 February 2010

Cat returns. Topic: Flirting

Okay, As usual I was totally oblivious to the drama that I caused. I apologise. I didn't block anyone facebook stopped working and I do indeed have a potential other man. However, I will come to that later.

So the topic today I have chosen due to recent events is flirting. Due to this experiment I have tried to calculate the perfect way to flirt.

Things I have tried:
1. The hard to get
2. Teasing
3. Blatantly obvious.

I have three guys that believe they have a chance with me. (This is the persona of Cat talking not my genuine characteristics, I'm nicer than that) Anyway, the one that's worked the most is the Teasing approach. I have joked my way into a guy confusingly texting me asking if I was flirting. This has gotten to a new extreme in technology where teasing on facebook chat has caused a text asking the nature of the facebook chat. U-N-B-E-L-I-E-V-E-A-B-L-E!!!
If you have ever seen He's Just Not That Into You you will realise that we can indeed be dumped on 5 different technologies but ladies... we can also flirt on them!

So anyway, back to point one: teasing worked the most. I joked my arse off and managed to get a questionable answer.
However, guy 2(blatantly obvious): this involved one brief greeting then a sucession of text conversations. I am shocked about this guy. I met him through a friend at a bar, this is not an unusual thing I know but wait.. all I said was hello and my name and that I will go see where my other friends are Kay being one of them. After this he asked the shared friend about me and in her excitement she gave me his number. that's it. One greeting. No Flirting no nothing. Just my genuine friendliness. U-N-B-E-L-I-E-V-E-A-B-L-E!!!
So the text conversations ensued. This meant a friendly text in the morning for so far 3 consecutive days and also texts as soon as I'd finished work. I will admit that I am not used to this is in the slightest and on occasion I have been the one to text people first. One too many occasion. So not only does he like me from a few seconds brief encounter but enough to create a morning and evening of him. U-N-B-E-L-I-E-V-E-A-B-L-E. However, a date was arranged of sorts and no reply text. Befuddled am I. Anyway, more on guy 2 later just watch this space...

So the third guy... This is the guy that I like. The genuine deal. The one who I actually am sort of seeing. He is the one that I have changed my status for. This is the tricky story. This is the story of being the reliablity. I know I have used a succession of short sentences however this is to exaggerate the need I have for Tension and simplicity on the complication that is the third guy.
Anyway, he's the guy that is everything but nothing. He is the guy that I don't have. Basically I changed my status on a hope and a wish that he will see that being friends with me is not cool.
But however it's not to be.
This is the one I am mourning for.

Yet, Kay will maintain only being a sis on facebook since the lesbian jokes have stopped. for a brief period anyway.

Love you guys muchly,

Sunday, 31 January 2010

Kay and Cat reunited

Ok, so everything is ok, turns out it was a huge misunderstanding, now everything is better, no one is angry and were friends again good.
however, cat is now seeing a man!!! which means dear readers out there somewhere (...) she should in theory be removed from the experiment, however this will not happen, as she's leaving us soon to go to Australia. This means there will be a new level to this. IS IT EASIER TO MEET AUSSIE MAN OR BRITISH MEN. I cover british men (duh) and she does the other. ..
right revision calls

ciao peeps

Yes please!

Dating site is definitely looking up!
Got a message from a lawyer.
a HOT! lawyer. seriously! he had two photo,s up on of which was him alone, the other him and this other girl, who is seriously attractive. it makes me kind of question why he is even on the site?! seriously, if he is friends with people like her! And what on earth is he doing messaging me. I mean yes, i'm not hideous , but still, even i know he's waaay out of my league! Plus, he is a lawyer! Isnt that basically like a pick-up line in its self? hmm lets see. more on that later


Saturday, 30 January 2010

goodbye Cat ( apparently)

so, if you have been reading this people, cat and i had a bit of an argument. well not really an argument more of a thing where i let her down. basically we had agreed to go away together on holiday, but i had to cancel because of money issues. for some reason, Cat doesn't seem to believe that i'm telling the truth, does she think i didn't want to go with her or what? Anyway, today, much to my surprise, i logged on to facebook and found that she had terminated our relationship on facebook. ( we were married, on facebook. not in real life because that would be weird lol)
Ok so to some of you that might not seem like a big deal, but it really did hurt my feelings and then to just by coincidence all your info and photo's happen to be restricted? ok yes i let you down, and yes you have the right to be angry at me, but i have apologised and it wasnt my fault so if you want to be like that fine. i'm not going to apologise anymore, and i'm not going to try anymore. I made a mistake. sue me.

and that is the end of that.

p.s- if you do read this Cat, i changed the password. two can play this game. ( for the record, i'm angry too!)

sad times

Our rabbit died today. My sister went to feed it this morning and it was dead. I don't think I've ever seen anyone so distraught. she came running to me in hysterics,
" the rabbit isn't moving. i think its dead, i don't know what to do"
i was so sure it was just asleep,but no. it's dead. and frozen. and she just stood there in front of the cage sobbing.
it was the saddest thing ever. now we have to tell my little brother and his friends who are our neighbours who also love that rabbit. they're only 6. and the ground is too frozen to bury it. gah! today will not be a good day!
r.i.p Hercules. you will be missed.


apparently you have to have ugly legs to play golf?

that's what i read when i signed in to one of the dating sites. I'm not sure if that was a personal dig at me of golf, to be honest i don't particularly care especially as i don't play golf.
Also for some reason, i seem to attracting older men. why? I'm not sure. and by older i don't mean late 20's i'm talking 40+. It is rather odd. i am also attracting people who " are new to the country and want to meet girls for good times". i was on the verge of giving up on this part of the experiment, but decided to continue on account of the fact that an almost normal guy sent me a message this morning.
young (i.e. 24)
good looking
degree and masters in 3D animation
so i'll give it a go i think. for now anyway.
Oh and i will be testing out another phase of the experiment next week on Tuesday. a friend of mine are going out. i haven't really done the meeting men in clubs and pubs thing in a while, so i may need a couple pointers. are there rules, what do you say? how on earth are you meant to hear each other over the music? if you have any ideas, please do tell.


HA! just got a message from and apparent ex model! except he doesnt have a photo to back it up. Suspicious? i think so!

Friday, 29 January 2010

what an odd couple of days.

Kay here,
so after two days i have had i guess you could say success on the whole internet dating thing. although some of the messages are just plain wierd. and some hilarious. some quite nice.
here are some of the more normal ones

hey how are you? and how come you're ona dating site? you def dont look like you need any help finding a fella you're lovely!!!- G

Hello, your profile is interesting and I like it. Hope you dont mind I am older, just want to send a compliment. M ( by older he meant 27, which is fine. my last love interest was 28. yeah i have a thing for older men. he is one of my favourites at the moment. not so strange. )

Hey you ok?
Just came across your profile and I thought I'd drop you a message as you sound like a good person to chat too, as well as being a good looking young lady!
Hopefully we can chat more and maybe even get to know each other a bit
Hope to hear back from you soon

Then we have the ones from wierd older men
hi gwen hope you are well,heres a thought for you.....Imagine there is a bank account that credits your account each morning with £86,400. It carries over no balance from day to day.
Every evening the bank deletes whatever part of the balance you failed to use during the day. What would you do? Draw out every cent, of course?
Each of us has such a bank. It's name is TIME.
Every morning, it credits you with 86,400 seconds.
Every night it writes off as lost, whatever of this you have failed to invest to a good purpose.
It carries over no balance. It allows no over draft. Each day it opens a new account for you. Each night it burns the remains of the day.
If you fail to use the day's deposits, the loss is yours. There is no drawing against "tomorrow."
You must live in the present on today's deposits. Invest it so as to get from it the utmost in health, happiness and success!
The clock is running!! Make the most of a design engineer living in stockport cheshire, you fancy a chat tiger -
this guy is 38!!! thats 20 years older than me!

A really beautiful and obviously very intelligent girl!
Like to meet an older generous guy? -
This one is 50!! i mean seriously! thats older than my dad! come on! plus what on earth does he mean by generous! serious creep vibes from this one!

THEN! some of the profiles seriously!

this is an sample from this guys profile!
What would you do on an ideal date?
I like to keep things real from the first date, If I think you're fat I'll tell ya. Please excuse my hands, I apologise in advance, they have a one-track mind to squeeze on your behind.

As of right now, i think that internet dating sites are a definate let down ladies. or maybe i'm just trying the wrong ones. who know! had ANYONE out there had any luck on these sites? and if so, why did you join it?

On other news, i Think Cat may be mad at me. No i know she is. It really is all my fault though, so i understand completely. i did let her down. i seem to be doing this a lot recently. if you do read this Cat, i really am sorry.
Also, i got a new job, which means that i might be moving away. and pretty soon, especially as, well especially as things didnt turn out the way i wanted with other things. To be honest, I'm pretty bummed out about it, about a lot of things. but hey, i guess things have to go on.

right i'm off. do comment on things people. if anyone is actually reading this. is this a waste of time?


Wednesday, 27 January 2010

Being Set Up

Ok, Day One of this shin dig and I have already been set up and they don't even know I'm doing this!!!
Anyway, I must explain the situation first. I work with lots of people who feel the need to give me dates on a daily basis, this would be incredibly useful if I actually wanted to date any of the potential suitors. Shame.. eh!
So, today someone in passing asked me what I thought about another male colleague and I as always knew he wasn't remotely my type. so told them so. So the matter was avoided. Until The Other Male Colleague came to where I was working and started saying jokes which were really not very funny, until a customer arrived which he knew. This makes me really confused as to whether he came to see me or the customer that he knew. Either way this is the first time that I was set up by not being set up.
WEIRD?? Very.
So currently I have 2 people that other people want me to be interested in. Well... kind of 3. One who's mate is adamant to get his mate with me, secondly the incident above and thirdly being in a four-way friendship with 2 girls and 2 guys when one girl and guy who are already a couple felt the need to spread the love, kind of obvious that one.

Am I not trusted to find my own man? Do people feel sorry for me being single? And this is pushing it but Am I someone someone else wants their friend to be with?

Either way, I'm hoping this experiment will clear things for me.
Or just leave me with more questions.
To be totally honest I want to just ask some genius the questions in my head and hope they know... but since when have the easy options been the best?

Peace Out,

wierd txt

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Normal people use Internet dating sites! The weirdest thing just happened, i was browsing the one i joined yesterday and i see a profile of someone who lives pretty close to where i live so, naturally, i click on it intrigued, and as I'm reading his info, and it sounds vaguely familiar. I haven't seen the picture yet (at least not properly) so i click on it and ITS SOMEONE I KNOW! seriously bizarre! I mean bizarre. Plus he is, you know good looking (ish) and always seems to be around girls so the fact that he is on one of these sites is weird!

Now the dilemma is this. do I talk to him? Do I risk possible discomfort to both of us? I would like to say dear reader that I am not personally romantically interested, But I would like to know what drove him to use an Internet dating site and how he's finding it. What should I do?


Tuesday, 26 January 2010

dating sites?

Kay here, I've been thinking about the whole Internet dating thing. Does it work, is it reliable, is it worth it, what's the best one? etc. Plus what type of people go on to it. It is kind of weird to be thinking of going on a dating site as a 19 year old, i mean I'm 19! But still, all in the name Here goes nothing.

OK its done. i have created a Internet dating account. It takes 2 days to be approved, just to stop people posting weird pornographic photo's or giving out personal info. Plus i looked and the guys aren't too bad, there are actually some OK looking guys. so more info in 2 days to let you know how that goes.
Right i have an exam in a day so i guess i had better get revising.

see ya

P.S: Cat, i changed the layout. this one looks prettier
PPS: Oh and people tell us what you think about the whole Internet dating thing.

The experiment

Does anyone find that with the amount of opportunities that we have to find a partner/other half/ whatever you want to call it, there is still a large amount of people who are still single, people who by choice would rather be in a relationship, but can't quite meet that person, or more likely do not know where to meet that person. We find it particularly interesting that although society has changed (i.e- women can now work, vote, live with men) The Marriage Rate decreases each year, in fact, it used to be uncommon for a woman to be unmarried and those that weren't, were often seen as burdens on their families, yet it quite common for a woman to remain unmarried now. Our question is this, where are all the men? for all of you in relationships, We feel we have to congratulate you on finding one, but for all us single gals ( and we suppose guys) we are determined to find out how on earth you're meant to meet people.
so this is the task.
We have one year. In this year, we will have met as many NEW men as we can. To do this we will be investigating the easiest way to find one so our choices are
1- The easiest one (well apparently): clubs and pubs etc
2- Blind dates
3- Internet dating sites
4-While travelling, holiday romances.
5- Chance encounter

Have any more ideas. Do tell us.

Kay & Cat