Sunday 21 March 2010

Kay again : The friend, and the friends love interest.

Ok. so i've been aaaaaaages writing. in my defence, i was living away from home doine a new job which was kinda boring, so i'm home now, passing the time till my next job starts. so lets re-commence the man hunt.
At the moment, there are no real leads to the man hunt. there are 2 guys, but i knew them prior to the experiment so i dont think it counts. hmm.
ok guy one : dated someone in my family. we're friends. i mean really good friends and i think thats all i want it to be, but i think we click to easily. i mean, we talk about everything almost everyday. it is a little worrying. i am a big believer in guys and girls being platonic friends, but even he admits there is chemistry. Can it just be friend chemistry? what to do?
Guy 2 : ok so its fairly simple about this guy. i want him! i mean he is hot, older, awesome car, hot, and also quite nice, so it isnt just physical. but the thing is, my friend really really really likes him, and we hooked up once at a party ( me and the guy, not me and the friend) after which he did tell me we should keep it between us because of her etc. am still debating wether or not this is shady. but i like him. the only problem is, there just isnt that spark. i mean there are definately feelings but not something i think could ever be substantial. i dont know. we shall see.
got to go.

oh yeah, am re-opening the idea of the internet dating thing.


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