Monday, 8 March 2010

Recap on the guys

ok, I just read my last entry and I really didn't tell anyone what happened next.
So.. THE guy found out that I liked him. Not that I wasn't being blatently obvious, anyway he was alright with it and we are now just mates. But watch this space. I totally believe in the "When Harry Met Sally" theory.

So if you hadn't guessed The Boss is the guy that keeps flirting with me. He's now the ex boss and keeps giving me compliments, this makes me feel guilty for publishing this on the ether but still it's entertaining to read.
So he keeps calling me cute, told him I didn't like it and he said that he just means it in the way that I'm attractive but innocent.
That's what he thinks!!!

Oh and Guy 1 (the guy who says he'll miss me) was annoyed at me for not saying goodbye. This made me feel awkward since yet again... no atraction.

So the update is is that I still haven't found a man. I still haven't found a man who's not wimpy.

Well except the Aussie guy. :)


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